Monday, April 4, 2011

Denmark Diet | Day 9

so, i'm back. my too-short spring break ended. and yeah, i was lazy to blog.
but i started the diet again, and i'm already on day 9. except this time, i'm exercising regularly and...uh i cheated on the 7th day. it was my friend's birthday party and we were eating korean bbq.... -_-

so far i lost... not that much weight. probably because i cheated and i'm not as strict with the stuff i'm eating as i was the first time. or maybe it's because this is my second time doing it. regardless. i'm hungry right now. and i haven't done number 2. sigh....

it's week 2 of school and i'm already falling behind. i have horrible studying habits. but i'm determined to make it right, starting today. ho ho ho.

other than that. i've basically cut out dramas/variety shows/music shows out of my life. my dad hates them and i guess they do distract me..... i can't even manage without them -_- (to clarify: i'm not giving up or quitting korean entertainment.........just that right now, i'm trying to avoid them, plus i'm not allowed to watch them -_-).

but '49 days' seems really good. i really want to get on that............ and 'midus' and bunch of other variety shows........

good stuff that happened recently: i lost weight
bad stuff that happened recently: KMF list sucks.

No INFINITE. The End. ;-;

i always LOL at the foot that flings in the air.

fuckyeahhoya. like a boss.

question: does anyone know anything about oversleeping? can it be a disorder? because i sleep regularly (5-7hrs), but i do these micro naps during lectures -__-;; and i don't even realize i'm doing them. arg. how can i stop this from happening? i drink coffee too... and i don't overeat...especially recently.

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